Paul writes in his letter to the Church at Corinth that people all have knowledge of some kind, but that knowledge makes them arrogant; however, love makes builds them up. If we think we know something, we still have a lot to learn. Just think about the world in the grand scheme of things, God spoke and the world came into existence. Even as modern science tells us more and more about how He may have done all of this, there is still so much that we do not know. On the plus side, if we love God, we are known to Him. There were people around Greece at that time (and people around the world today) who believe that there are many gods and many lords, but as Christians, we know that God the Father is the only God, Jesus Christ is the only Lord, and everything came into existence through Him; therefore we live because of Him. But when some people eat foods offered to false gods, they believe that they are sinning against these gods, and they feel guilty. Food will not affect our relationship with God. It doesn't matter if we eat the food or don't, nothing changes. Paul does say, however, that we should not eat the food for the false gods if a believer of little faith sees us and thinks it's sinful. If that happens, the other believer may start to sin. Now, today, there are still actions such as this that don't affect our relationship with God, which others may see as sinful. If we do these acts, we must be careful not to show weak believers that it is okay to sin.
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