Thursday, October 6, 2011

1 Corinthians 6

Paul tells the Church at Corinth that they should not go to courts of nonbelievers to settle disputes between believers. There should be at least one person in the church that can help them settle their problems. They should see from the teachings of Jesus that they can see they have been wronged and accept it instead of turning around and rewronging that person. Even today, true believers should love God so much that they can't imagine doing something so bad to someone else that would require them to go to court. If you are wronged in a way brought up in the US legal system (or other free countries for that matter), then you should take that person to court because they have left the presence of God. Additionally, Paul says that the world will have defeated us if we are so wrapped up in putting lawsuits against one another. How can we be the example for the world if we are behaving in such an uncivil way. He also says that evil people will not inherit the kingdom of God. We should stick to His teachings, and try not to sin, and if we do, beg forgiveness from God and any other party we may have hurt.

Paul moves on to talk about sexual sins. He says that we should not sin sexually because we are one body with Christ. When we accept Him as our Lord and Savior, He becomes a part of us. When two people have sex, they are also considered to be one; therefore you are sinning against yourself when you commit sexual sins. Paul even says that other sins don't affect us in the way that sexual sins do. We are a temple for the Holy Spirit since He is housed in us. We are not our own "property." Christ paid for us with His life. We should only bring glory to God with our bodies. Two things need clarifying. One, God is not against sex. God created it, but He created it as something for married couples to enjoy together. Two, God doesn't give us rules like these to take away our fun just to see if we really want to follow Him. He sets out these rules to protect us. By telling us not to commit sexual sins, He is saving us from potential STDs and unwanted pregnancies. Additionally, if we save ourselves for marriage, that first time we are with our spouse is that much more special.

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