Wednesday, October 12, 2011

1 Corinthians 13

Paul starts by naming gifts that he talked about in the last chapter, and he says that even if he was perfect at one of these things, if he didn't have love, it wouldn't matter. All of the spiritual gifts go towards people, so if you don't love all people, then your spiritual gifts can't help you. Paul continues by describing what this pure love that is necessary to make spiritual gifts work is about. He says love is patient: if you don't see your spiritual gifts right away, if you don't get through to someone you minister to in the first meeting, even if you help the poor and don't get the chance to minister, don't fret. Be patient, and your time will come. Love is kind: you won't only do good deeds when the time arises, but you should go looking for what good deeds you can do. It does not envy: if we truly show love to another person, we will not see their accomplishments or what they have as something we must have. We should love that person enough that we see them for who they are and nothing else matters. It does not boast and it is not proud: if you are showing love to people, you should not boast about it or make it known what you are doing. It does not dishonor others. It is not self-serving: who are we really showing love for? It is not easily angered: when someone wrongs us, as hard as it may be, we must love them enough to move past that wrong and forgive. It keeps no records of wrongs: forgive and forget. It always protects: we should fight for those we love, trusts: don't be wary of those around you, hopes: looks for the best that can come, and preserves: it shouldn't go away for any reason but exist forever. Love will never fail. In heaven, prophesies won't matter because they are of how we should live on Earth. It won't matter if we could speak in tongues because there will be but one language in heaven. Knowledge here is incomplete anyway, and we will all fully have perfect knowledge of God when we get to heaven. All of our spiritual gifts are like the knowledge of children versus grown men. When we get to heaven, we will put them aside, but what we carry over is faith, hope, and love. And love is the most important.

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