Monday, October 17, 2011

1 Corinthians 16

Last chapter in 1 Corinthians:

Paul says that the Church at Corinth should take up an offering by putting away a little bit of what God gives them because it all came from God in the first place. Then, Paul will take it to Jerusalem with the people appointed by the church to help him.

Paul also says that he wants to visit the church for some time, maybe even the entire winter. He doesn't want to go as he writes this letter because he would only be able to pass through and not help them much. He says at the moment, he must stay in Ephesus (where Paul sent the letter Ephesians to), but he is sending Timothy, who helps Paul out a lot. He says that Timothy is not to be harmed, and that when the time comes, the Corinthians must return Timothy to Paul.

Paul also says that he wishes Apollos had gone to the Church at Corinth, but it was not what Apollos wanted. Paul then tells the church that in the meantime they should have strong faith, act civil, be watchful, and be strong. He brings back up a theme throughout 1 Corinthians to tell the church that everything they do, they should do in love. He tells them Stephannas is on his way, and the the church should rejoice for that because people like him, who lift the spirits of the church, deserve recognition.

Paul finishes by sending greetings from other prominent churches he's visited at the time. He then tells them that the grace of God is with them, and that Paul's love is with them through Jesus Christ.

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