Chapter 2 is a continuation of Chapter 1:
Paul says that when he spoke to the church, he did not use a lot of intellect or things he created himself. He used one argument: that Christ Jesus was crucified and risen from the dead. That way, what the people based their faith on would not be human intellect but Godly proof. Paul does say that we use wisdom to talk to the mature, but it is not worldly wisdom, nor is it the wisdom of the rulers of the world. Paul is saying that we must grow spiritually in our walk with Christ. We can't stagnate or stay in one place. He also says that the rulers of this world don't know the wisdom he refers to or they would not have crucified Christ. The rulers at the time were not Christians, so they would not have undertand the intellect of God meant for those further in their relationship with Christ. Paul quotes scripture with a truly awe inspring verse that says no one alive can even imagine what God has prepared for those who truly love Him. Paul talks about an amazing gift we have received from God: the Holy Spirit. He asks who can know more about a person than their own spirit. God sent his own spirit to speak about Him to those who accept it. The Holy spirit delivers messages to us directly from God. But we can only explain spiritual things to those who have the spirit. People without the spirit will automatically reject the words of the spirit, but God is going to put people in front of us who have begun moving in the spirit, so that when we speak to them, they can evaluate what we say. This is why it is important to go out into the field and minister to people but also to have Christian friends. If we only go out to talk to those who are just beginning to feel the spirit, we will stagnate in our own walks, and we won't have people to talk about God's intellect with. "We have the mind of Christ."
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