Saturday, May 5, 2012

1 Timothy 1

Next up is the Epistle to Timothy. Timothy was saved during Paul's first missionary journey. He later became a companion and assistant to Paul. He pastored the Church at Ephesus, where the Epistle to the Ephesians went. Themes for both 1 and 2 Timothy are qualities of Christian leadership, how to serve God and serve others, and how to live a Godly life. In the letters, Paul writes to help keep Timothy physically and spiritually fit to lead a formerly misguided church that still has many problems. Now, without further ado,

Paul starts with a pretty standard greeting that it is He who wrote the letter to Timothy by command of Jesus. Good will, mercy, and peace from God the Father are yours.

Paul writes that He instructed Timothy to stay in Ephesus because he felt God telling him that the city needed a pure heart, a clear conscience, and sincere faith from love to flow from. It takes a person like this to lead a group away from false doctrines The people in the Church at Ephesus got caught up in myths and genealogies that only bring up questions and don't promote God's plan, which centers on faith. These are the first qualities of a church leader that Paul mentions. Paul says that the former leaders of the church have gotten bogged down in Moses's Laws. He says that the more mature Christians know that the laws are good, but they are not for those who have God's approval. Those people don't need laws because they are one with the will of Jesus Christ. They follow His heart and yearn for what He yearns for without instruction because they are so one with Him. Laws are instead for the sinners trying to fix their broken lives.  They are for the lawbreakers and the lawless. Moses's teachings were intended to be used with the Good News.

Paul is so thankful that Jesus entrusted the Good News to him and even strengthened him to do the work. In the past, Paul cursed Jesus, persecuted Him, and acted arrogantly against Him. Jesus treated Him with mercy because Paul did all of that in his unbelief. Once forgiveness comes, it washes us clean. Through kindness and grace, the Lord showed Paul love. Paul says that Jesus came into the world to accept sinners. Paul had been the foremost sinner, but Jesus used him to show an example of His patience. This shows other who desire this patience and the chance to live forever. Worship and glory belong to the eternal King, the immortal and invisible God forever.

Paul instructs Timothy to listen to the prophesies and use them with a clear conscience because they are from God. They will help him win this noble war. Some refuse to let faith guide them, and their faith has been destroyed like a wrecked ship. Among those are two people who are either friends or followers of Paul: Alexander and Hymenaeus, who Paul says he had to hand over to Satan to teach them not to dishonor God.

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