Sunday, February 19, 2012

Matthew 25

Jesus talks further about judgement day. He says on that day, Heaven will be like ten bridesmaids, who took oil lamps to go meet the groom. Five were wise and took extra oil for their lamps, but five were foolish and took no such precaution. The groom showed up late, not at the expected time. When the bridesmaids awoke, the foolish five asked the wise five for some extra oil because they were running low, but the wise bridesmaids replied that they had none to spare for the foolish bridesmaids. The foolish bridesmaids went to buy more oil while the wise bridesmaids went to meet the groom, and the door was shut. The foolish bridesmaids returned and asked if they could gain entrance to the wedding hall, but the groom said he did not know who they were. Jesus is the groom. He will not arrive when we expect or when we place a mark on the calendar. He will come in the time the Father has set out for Him. When that time comes, He will sweep up the Christians from the Earth and unleash His wrath on the non-believers who remain. We must be ready with the oil in our lamps. Christians often hear about having light and being light like Jesus said in the sermon on the mount, and the oil fuels that light; therefore we must do things that fuel our faith. Always pray, read the Bible daily, spend time with the Lord. Do whatever works for you to further your relationship with the Almighty.

Jesus tells another story about what Heaven is like. In this story, a master goes on vacation, but he first entrusts some money to his three best servants. To one, he gives ten thousand dollars; to the next, he gives four thousand dollars; and to the final, he gives two thousand dollars. He gives them an amount based on their abilities. Then, he goes on his trip. Meanwhile, the man with ten thousand dollars invests it and doubles his money. The man with four thousand dollars does the same. The man with two thousand dollars digs a hole and buries the money given to him. When the master returns, the servants show him what they've done with his money. The first two tell him how they've doubled his money, and he tells them they are good and faithful servants and tells them they will have a great reward. When the man who buried his money comes up, he tells the master that he knows the master likes to reap where he hasn't planted crops, so the servant got scared and buried the money. The master is so angry with this servant he calls him wicked and evil. He takes the money from the servant and gives it to the man with ten thousand because those who have much will be given more, and those who have little will have theirs taken. Then, the servant was cast out where there was pain and suffering. The servant who buried the money is like a man who hears about Jesus and learns the gospel but does nothing with the information. This type of person is useless to the Kingdom of Heaven. This person started knowing and even showing interest, but backed off because they were afraid of losing what they had in the world and were lazy. These people are not saved and do not further the Kingdom of Heaven. Our whole purpose on this Earth is to further the Kingdom of Heaven, so when God gives you the opportunity, take it. Go on that short term mission trip with your church, talk to that non-believer at work or in your class about Jesus, etc. Active faith is necessary. Jesus could come back at any time. Prepare yourself in Him for that day. Don't have false or weak faith but truly immerse yourself in all that He is and all He offers you. He offers you the chance to live. If you believe, it is not by your doing but because God allows all people to see the beauty of Jesus, and when we see, we can pray that He resurrects us from the dead ways of this world and brings us to life with Him. That's all you need. He gave you little but you can do much with it. If you do, you will receive more in Heaven.

Jesus tells the disciples that He will judge all people on judgement day. He will separate them into two groups: one on His left and one on His right. When He finishes, He will turn to those on His right and congratulate them because they have God's approval. He tells them about all they did for Him: feeding Him when He hungered, giving Him drinks when He thirsted, giving Him a place to stay or clothes or company when He was needy. The people ask Him when they did these things, and Jesus replies that whenever they did something for the least of people, they did so for Jesus. Then, He will turn to those on His left and tell them that God has condemned them because they saw Jesus when He was hungry, thirsty, and needy, but they did not provide for Him. They too will ask when they saw Him, and He will tell them that whenever they saw someone in need, no mater how unimportant, jesus was there. Those who did not help, are condemned to Hell. It is not by works you have been saved though, so this can seem confusing. James says faith without works is dead. If we have true faith in Jesus, we should desire to help the needy out of the goodness of our spiritual nature. Our faith and works should become one. If our faith is true and strong, we will do good works as a direct reaction to our faith. If our faith is weak or nonexistent, our hearts won't break for what breaks God's heart, and we won't be moved to help.

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