Thursday, February 2, 2012

Matthew 17

We hear nothing about Jesus' adventures for six days, but the next story is a little confusing. Jesus goes up a mountain with Peter, John, and James. These were His chief disciples. While there, Jesus began to transform: His face shone like the sun, His clothes turned bright white, and Moses and Elijah came to join Him. These, the most important men of their time, came from Heaven as witness that Jesus really is the Son of God. Maybe He was transformed to appear more like His Heavenly self. Peter told Jesus that he could set up three tents: one for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for Elijah. He probably had no idea what was happening. This moment was probably awesome to witness, and Peter may have had thoughts of how to best take advantage of the situation if he had the chance to keep them there. Then, the three disciples heard the voice of God tell them that Jesus is indeed His Son. We need to prove nothing to others with amazing signs such as these, we need only to let God show His own glory and give the approval to His Son. The disciples were so afraid that they fell to the ground and covered their faces because if you look upon the face of God, you die instantly. Jesus came to them and told them not to fear. When they looked up, they were alone with Jesus. Jesus told them not to tell anyone. Again, He wants to wait for the biggest miracle of all to prove that He really is the Son of God. He needs to prove it Himself. The disciples asked why the scribes say Elijah must come first. Jesus tells them that Elijah has returned, and he was rejected again, just like the Son of God will be. That's when the disciples realized He spoke of John the Baptist.

A man brings his son to Jesus. The boy is demon possessed and often has seizures that sometimes cause him to fall in fire or water. This goes to show how powerful demons can be. Despite the dangers of falling into fire and water, the demon can survive it all. The disciples could not cure the boy. Jesus grows angry. He yells at the crowd that they have no faith. They brought the boy to Jesus, and He cured him. Afterwards, the disciples asked Jesus why they were unable to get the demon out. Jesus told them they have to little faith. If you even have the faith of a mustard seed, you can move mountains. He also tells them that that kind of demon can only be removed through prayer and fasting. At that moment, Jesus didn't pray and fast, and of course, neither did the boy. However, Jesus spent so much time fasting and in prayer, that He was ready when He came to face that kind of demon. That's why daily prayer is so important.

Jesus tells the disciples again that He will be betrayed, killed, and raised again on the third day. This made that disciples sad.

The tax collectors ask Peter if Jesus pays the temple tax, and Peter tells them that He does. When he goes inside to get it, Jesus asks him if the rulers tax their family or others, and Peter replies others. We are family with God and Jesus through Jesus, so He does not tax us with laws and rules. If other people want to get to Heaven, they must be taxed by these laws (but they are impossible to keep for anyone except Jesus). Jesus tells him that He doesn't want to start a scandal. Jesus tells Peter to go to fish, and open the mouth of the first fish he catches to get a coin to pay the tax.

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