Tuesday, September 27, 2011

John 16

As usual: http://www.esvbible.org/John+16/

Jesus tells the disciples that He is leaving them, and He tells them that it is for the better because if He doesn't, He can't send the Helper to Earth to guide all those who believe in Him. Jesus tells them that the Holy Spirit is super important because Jesus Himself hasn't had time to tell us everything we need to know, and He wouldn't be able to anyway. The Holy Spirit, however, will tell us directly what Jesus has said, and Jesus speaks from the Father. Jesus confuses His disciples when He says He is leaving and coming back. He tells them that they will be sad at first, but they should be joyful because He will have completed His mission on Earth, to take on the sins of the world and die as the blood sacrifice to suffice God's wrath. He compares the feeling they will have to a woman giving birth. She cries out and feels pain while she is in labor, but after she holds her child in her arms, she is full of joy because of the wonderful creation she has just brought into the world. He finishes His talk with them by saying that He has overcome the world. This is a BIG DEAL! Jesus has lived on Earth, as a human. He has experienced the same struggles, the same pains, the same temptations that every one of us has gone through. He came into this world as an infant and lived through every part of life. He took on and defeated all of those challenges. At no point does He ask us to do anything He hasn't done Himself. No other God from any other religion has come to Earth and taken on human form and lived among the people like this. In the end, He even overcomes and defeats death. If He can overcome death, don't you think He can help you overcome your problems?

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