Wednesday, September 7, 2011

John 1

I decided to start with John because it is often a place that's good for beginning Christians to start, so if anyone is reading this and fits that description, it will work well. Plus, it's a good book, so all can enjoy it. If you don't own a Bible, here is a link to a site for the chapter:

In the first five verses, John refers to Jesus as "the Word." He says that the Word has always been around and has been with God. Everything came into existence because of the Word, and he is the light of humanity. John may have chosen to call Jesus the Word because he communicated with people about God's message. He gave people words about God's message, heaven, the future, and even the past; therefore he is the perfect "Word," and we should listen. Verse 5 is incredibly important because the darkness wants to destroy the light, but it can't.
John continues by talking about John the Baptist who told people that the Messiah was soon to come, and they needed to prepare for his arrival. Then, the Word became flesh. Jesus was a real human being who walked with people and shred in their struggles. He is not some distant being that can't connect with humans. When he left, he allowed a way for all people to become children of God and live with him in heaven.

John the Baptist went into the river to baptize people much like we do today. He says that he baptizes with water, but one greater than him baptizes people in the spirit. Just as now, the water baptism is only a symbol for the spiritual change in the person.

Jesus immediately finds some of his disciples. Andrew follows him and even brings his brother Simon along. Jesus renames Simon Peter (Rock) because He will make Peter the foundation of the church.  Later, he finds Phillip and simply says, "Follow me!" and without missing a beat, Phillip follows Jesus. He too finds a friend, Nathanael, and brings him to the Jesus. At first Phillip doubts Jesus, but Jesus tells him that He saw Nathanael under the fig tree moments ago, and Nathanael is amazed. Jesus tells him he will see even more amazing things.
In the first chapter, John talks about people spreading the good news to their friends. If every time you went to church, the church gave you $1000, you would bring all of your friends. Jesus is worth so much more, so shouldn't we all be spreading this amazing news to all those around us? Discipleship and outreach is huge in Christianity.
In the last part of the chapter, Jesus predicts the ascension for the first time when he tells his first disciples that they will see angels take the Son of Man to heaven.

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