Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hebrews 5

Our chief priests here on Earth are chosen from humans to represent humans before God. They offer gifts and sacrifices for sins. The chief priest is someone who is gentle and kind to those who are ignorant and easily deceived because he knows he also has weaknesses. Because of his weaknesses, he also offers sacrifices for himself.  This paragraph gives some more proof to Jesus being the highest of chief priests. He does not have weaknesses. He does not need to make sacrifices on His own behalf, but He made the biggest sacrifice on behalf of all the people. No one chooses themselves to be chief priest, but God calls them, just as He called Aaron. Today, God still calls men and women to pastor churches. They don't choose to do so without a calling, and if, for some reason, they do, they fail. In the same way, Jesus dod not choose to be  the highest among chief priests. Instead, God chose Him when He said Jesus is His son. In another place, He says that Jesus will be the high priest. Jesus prayed to God, and God listened to Jesus because of His obedience. Another important lesson to learn from Jesus is obedience. An important note about obedience is that it is not required to receive salvation, but it is something that we do if we truly believe and have received that salvation. Jesus even learned how to be obedient through suffering. Many times, people fall away from God when they experience suffering, but it is in those moments when we should hold onto God and our devotion to Him the strongest. Because of Jesus' great obedience, it is through Him that salvation comes.

The author of Hebrews wants to explain so much more to the Hebrew people who have converted into Christianity, but he says they are not ready because they are lazy. He tells them that they should be ready to teach others at this point, but they have not grown in their faith, so they stay spiritually as infants. For this reason, quiet time is important because it is a time when a lot of learning occurs. It is also why church is important because we get to hear the truth that God has placed on a pastor's heart to teach to you on that day. If you are spiritually an infant, you still can only take in the basics, and you can't really learn the stuff that's very deep. With spiritual maturity comes the ability to apply God's teachings and see the differences between right and wrong.

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