Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hebrews 2

We must heed what we've been told, so that we do not drift away from the Truth. Remember that the angels bring a reliable message. They are completely of and for God. Everything they do is ordained by Him. They are His messengers. How do we know this? First, Jesus Himself came and declared these things. Since He left no written record personally, those who followed Him wrote what they learned from Him through His message, and thereby confirmed what Jesus had said. Finally, God performed miracles through these people as confirmation that they had His favor. The author of Hebrews again discusses how the angels are not as powerful as many people think. The world is not under their control. God put the world under Jesus' control, and when He did so, He left nothing out. Nothing on this Earth exists that is outside of Jesus' control, even pain and suffering that seem like they can only come from evil. Be reassured that Jesus does not give you more than you can handle or are ready for. After all, how would we know how great the good times are if we didn't have a few bad times here and there. I love when the author of Hebrews says that we do not yet know everything that is under Jesus' control. Think of all there is left to come. All of it is under Jesus' control. Nothing escapes Him; nothing surprises Hi. We serve an all powerful God who is so in control that He beat even death. As Jesus says in Matthew, "I have overcome the world."

Jesus makes people holy when they come to Him, and since all who are holy have God as their Heavenly Father, He is not ashamed to call us His brothers and sisters. Jesus says that He brags about us and praises our good works through Him. Since we, the sons and daughters that God gave Jesus, are flesh and blood, Jesus became flesh and blood to save us. How could He save those He did not empathize with? The biggest moment of all of this is when He defeated death and the one who has power over it. The author of Hebrews indirectly asks a question that the Holy Spirit asks all of us who shy away from things: What are you afraid of? Why are you afraid of dying? Jesus conquered everything. He was tempted, just as we are tempted. He experienced the same trials and emotions that we go through. The devil himself had a conversation with Jesus to mar Jesus' holiness. Jesus defeated him. Jesus defeated everything that defeats us. Now, He can defeat it for us. If you struggle with something or are a slave to something, go to Him, and He will free you. That's why He came in the first place. Don't take away from His glory. Also, everybody dies. There are all of three people who never died. One is of course, Jesus Himself; one is a descendant of Adam and Eve, who "walked to Heaven with God;" and one is Elijah. That's it! You're gonna die. But it doesn't matter because when Jesus came, He made us right with God. Through Him, we can live in God's presence forever. What's so scary about death now? Jesus gave His life for us. Why are we not willing to do the same for Him?

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