Sunday, December 18, 2011

1 Thessalonians 5

The day of the Lord approaches. It sounds like the Catholic Church didn't listen to Paul when he said not to worry about times or dates. The day of the Lord's returning will be completely unexpected. One thing that makes God who He is is the fact that He is completely unpredictable. You should know as a fact that He will work on His own time. So you must stay alert. Don't fall asleep as Paul says like the others in the world, but stay awake and sober. Since we don't know when the Lord will return, we must always expect it. Stay on your most Christlike behavior always. Don't fall victim to the ways of the world but live in the light. Jesus died so that we may all live for eternity with Him, so take up your Spiritual Armor and prepare for the fight. Encourage and strengthen others until that day.

Paul tells the Thessalonians that they should think very highly of their leaders because the leaders of the Church at Thessalonica do a great job with their people, and they deserve some thanks. He also encourages them to help those around them who are not living right. Don't return wrong with another wrong. Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek. Be joyful because the Holy Spirit in you knows the truest kind of joy. Never stop praying. You should always talk to God and see what He says about what you do. Pray throughout your day, over your quiet time, and over those in your life. In the good and the bad, give thanks because regardless, what God wanted to happen is happening and that means we are that much closer to His final goal. Don't quench the flames of the Holy Spirit within you. Instead, test everything and find what is good. Stay away from what is evil.

Paul says a quick farewell. He tells the Thessalonians that he prays God will keep them holy and blameless. Then he tells them to greet everyone for him and read his letter for all to hear.

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