Sunday, December 18, 2011

1 Thessalonians 4

Paul likes to talk about sexual sin a lot. Because of Jesus, you should live a God-pleasing life. Staying away from sexual sin is a way of showing that you belong to God. You should find your husband or wife in a pure way, not through lust and sexual desire. God punishes people for these things, so if you do choose to live this way, you will find yourself unhappy in your situation. You have probably noticed that ministers don't often get divorced, and that is because they choose their spouse based on Godly matters. This way is how everyone should choose their spouse. God called you to be holy, not sexually immoral. When you sin sexually, you do not reject humans, but God. Paul goes on to talk about love. He says Christians should not need to be taught how to love because God teaches us how to love. God loves us more than we can comprehend; after all, He sent His Son to die for us in one of the most gruesome ways ever used. Even if you already exceed in loving others, you should work to love even more! I really like what Paul says next. He tells Christians to live quietly, work hard, and make a living. What living quietly means is don't make a big scene over being a Christian because that will just turn people off. If you live quietly and wait for the Holy Spirit to lead you to talk about Jesus with someone, you will have much more success. When you work hard, you show people that Christians don't have to be second rate at what we do just because we're Christians.We should be the best at everything we do because we're Christians. This, too, will turn people onto Christianity. Paul defines the part about working to make your own living. He says that if you do, you don't have to depend on others for what you need. If you only keep your dependence on God first and yourself second, no one can hold anything over you.

Paul tells the people to stop grieving for their dead. We will see those who dies while in a relationship with Christ again! The basis of our faith is that Jesus died and God brought Him up from the grave. In this same way, the whole reason it makes since to follow Him is because we believe that when a Christian dies, their spirit rises to Heaven. In that way, since we all die, we go up to Heaven with God and see those that were lost to us on Earth. Don't mourn for long over the death of a Christian. Instead, comfort each other with words.

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