Saturday, June 16, 2012

2 Timothy 2

Paul encourages Timothy to stay strong in the grace that Jesus grants. What Paul writes next, I interpret to mean that if you do not have teaching as a Spiritual Gift, you still have a great role to play. You could witness to someone who does, and then you play a part of their story when they become a teacher of the Gospel. Next comes some great metaphors of how to take suffering. First, take suffering like a soldier because a good soldier does not intermingle in civilian affairs for the pursuit of popularity with them. Instead, he serves the one who enlisted him. An athlete can only be victorious by playing the sport according to the rules. A hard working farmer gets the first of the crop. Then, I find it encouraging that Paul tells us the Lord will provide understanding for what Paul writes. Jesus came from the line of David, just as the Old Testament says and Paul suffers in chains for this Word, but the Word cannot be contained, so Paul preaches on. If we die for Him, we live with Him, if we endure, we reign with Him, if we deny Him, He denies us, if we are faithless, He is faithful.

Present the Word with the Truth. It really speaks for itself. You shouldn't have anything to add or change. Steer clear from godless words because they will only serve to mislead others' faith. Paul gives two examples of people who thought that after their resurrection, they could go on doing what they want, and they upset the faith of some. The Lord says that He knows the ones who are His, and that those are the ones who depart from iniquity (sin). Paul gives a metaphor that their are many utensils in a house and some have a more noble purpose than others. If we cleanse ourselves of the ungodliness in our lives, we are opening ourselves up to more noble purposes that are wielded by the master of the house himself. Finally, do not partake in quarrelsome matters. We should show love and compassion, correcting our enemies with gentleness. In this way, they are more likely to repent and come to know the Lord and may even escape traps set by the devil.

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