Saturday, December 17, 2011

1 Thessalonians 2

Paul informs the Thessalonians that he and his followers had a rough time in Philippi before going to Thessalonica, but when they arrived, they still actively sought to share the Good News with the people there in spite of strong opposition. When they taught, they did not use shady methods or selfish schemes, they simply taught what God had to say. They do this everywhere they go because God they passed God's test of intentions. They don't say what they do to please people or leader but only to please God. That is how we should live our lives. Most people are not Christians or are only in the way that they are American, Italian, British, etc.; therefore, their way of living probably leads to sin. The whole point of becoming a Christian is to not sin, to be different. If we live to please only people, we will live lives of sin in their ways, but if we truly want to live lives for God, we must only focus on pleasing Him. They didn't teach to earn praise from the people who heard them. Instead, they were gentle, and formed relationships and when they taught about God, they talked about their own lives because they cared that much. We can learn from this example they set. Sometimes it's hard to get a response from people when we just speak about the Bible for a while. Take another approach in some cases. Just get to know someone. Maybe you don't even talk about Jesus for the first few meetings. Let them see that there is something different about the way you live first. Then, when you open up about Christ, they are more likely to listen because they have seen His work in action. When you share with them about what is written in the Good News, share examples of what you teach from your life. As Paul did in Thessalonica, encourage and comfort, but also urge those you speak to to change their ways to live for Christ. This is the same relationship Paul compare as from a father to a child, and since God is our father, this is what He does for us. Mirror God and what He does and who He is if you are ever in doubt.

Another reason that Paul thanks God for the Thessalonians is because they took the Word of God for exactly what it is, not for a word from humans. The Church at Thessalonica suffered many of the same persecutions that the Church in Judea did. They were hunted after and threatened. If we listen to Christ in our decisions, then we too will have soe sort of persecution similar to the early church. Stat doing the right thing, and people will turn on you like sharks destroying your reputation, turning others against you, and maybe even physical hurt. Now, this isn't everyone (especially the physical harm part), but the devil is always at work, and unbelievers are the easiest targets. Paul also says that some of the Jews in Judea want the apostles to keep quiet about how to be saved in front of non-Jews because they want to limit who can come into God's kingdom. Paul also says that they just want to feel something from God, but since they refuse to truly believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins to save us, they want to at least feel God's anger. Paul also talks about how he, Silas, and Timothy have all wanted to visit the church, but in one way or anther, the devil has blocked this action.

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