Tuesday, October 4, 2011

1 Corinthians 1

Now that we've finished John, a good starting point, I want to move to the Corinthians: http://www.esvbible.org/search/1+corinthians+1/

Most of the books in the Bible written by Paul were originally written as letters to various churches. This letter and 2 Corinthians were written to the church at Corinth, Greece. In his greeting, Paul says that the letter is from him. At this point, Paul has converted to be a Christian though he started as a Christian persecutor. He is one of the greatest spreaders of the Jesus' message ever. He traveled around to help churches in need, talk to non-believers, and encourage the world even in his toughest times. He wrote a good bit of the New Testament. Paul says that he thinks God for the church at Corinth because they have grace with God. He says that they are such servants of Christ, that God has made them rich in ever way. If we have faith that Christ will provide for us, He will. Paul says that Christ will continue to give the church strength because they have verified what is written.

Paul tells that church that they should not quarrel among themselves. At this time, some people followed Paul, some followed Peter, and some others who were out there teaching, but Paul says Jesus Christ hasn't been divided, and His teachings are the only way, so how can there be division. He asks if Paul died on the cross for them or if they were baptized in Paul's name. He says he is glad he has baptized so few people, and those he has won't clim to be baptized in his name. Paul says Christ didn't send him to baptize but to spread the Good News. God had revealed His plan to Paul to Paul. Paul knew what Christ wanted him to do, and he went forth and did it. God still has plans for all people to this day. It is up to us to pray and listen so that He can reveal those plans to us for us to act on. Paul also says he didn't use intellectual arguments because that would make the cross of Christ lose it's meaning. The mind belongs to the person, but we can give over the heart to Christ. If we over think things, we lose touch with what Christ is telling and showing us. Put Christ in charge of your heart and think with your heart. Paul asks that hasn't Jesus turned the wisdom of the world into nonsense? He has already overturned the Old Testament, defied laws of physics and just the world in general, done things that don't make any possible sense, and risen others and Himself from the grave. Where does intellect put any of those things? I think that this line is incredibly HUGE: "God's nonsense is wiser than human wisdom, and God's weakness is stronger than human strength." God is so all powerful that even His weakest moments can be stronger than our strongest moments. God doesn't choose who the world would consider likely suspects to do His work. He chooses the weak to prove to the strong that they are not better; He chooses the lower class to show the rich that He is greater than their money; and He chooses those who are considered ordinary and meaningless to do His greatest works.

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