Friday, August 10, 2012

Romans 1

Paul wrote the book of Romans to the people of Rome to teach them how to become Christians and how to live like Christians. This book serves to sort of explain the heart of Christianity. If you have questions about being a Christian, this is the place to turn. Romans has inspired many christian heros and even prompted Martin Luther to start the Protestant Reformation when he realized Christianity is about faith, not works.

Paul identifies himself as the author of the letter, and that he wrote it to the believers in Rome. Something here that is not in most of the other letters is this parenthetical about who the person of Jesus was. He was a descendant of David, as God had promised the Messiah would be. In the spiritual things, He is the Son of God. Because of Him we have grace. Paul even says without Jesus, there would be no apostles because there would be no Good News to spread.

One of the things Paul says in almost every letter is that he prays for the people he is writing to every time he prays. Paul expresses his love in this way. He wants the people he loves to grow even more in Christ, so he prays for them. Similarly, he prays that he can visit them because he loves them. He hasn't recently been able to visit because God has called him to share the Good News with all peoples of every nation, but that includes Rome, which is why he hopes to visit. Some examples Paul sets is that he wants to share spiritual blessings, and we should all be encouraged by each other's faith. Do not be ashamed of the Gospel because it is God's power to save people, first the Jews then the gentiles. Jesus preached to the Jews and taught them what He had to teach, and then many turned to Him. When He left, he left to apostles in charge of carrying His message to the gentiles, so that we may also be saved. The Good News contins God's approval, and it says that the one who has God's approval will live by faith. Period. Bottom Line. Faith gives us God's approval. Nothing else.

God reveals truth about His anger against ungodly things. God has made clear to all people what they need to know of Him. His qualities, powers, and nature have all been on display, but some people still turn away from Him. These use ungodly pleasures and lusts to suppress the things they know to be true. They claim to know God, but their actions are against Him. They have traded their praises of Him, the Creator, for praises of things created. God allows these things to control them. Because of this, they dishonor themselves. Because they traded in the things of God for their own lusts, God allows their immoral minds to control them. They fill their lives with every kind of sin and hurt themselves and others because of it. Those who know who God is and what He does but choose to ignore it by giving into their sinful ways deserve to die. They not only partake in these things but approve of others who do. People who claim to be believers and know Christ should not approve when people use their lives to dishonor God.

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