Here is the site for John Chapter 2:
The chapter starts with "three days later." Three is a common number in the Bible, and here He does his first miracle three days after He chooses His disciples just as he does his last miracle three days after he dies. Jesus performs his first miracle in John 2 when he changes water into wine while he attends a wedding. Jesus' mother comes to Him and says that they have run out of wine. He tries to tell her that it's not time because there was a plan that was already in motion starting with his birth, yet Mary did not listen to Him. Jesus' mother already knew he could do great things, but it took a miracle for the disciples to believe. He was up against immeasurable odds; only He can take water and turn it into the most delectable wine. The wedding planner even calls it the best wine of the wedding. God does things in His time and His way. Things are perfect that way. He didn't care that most of the people were already getting drunk on wine. If He had wanted to, He could have just made cheap wine that would have been served at that time anyway, but He had to prove who He was to the world, a miracle at a time.
Jesus goes to the temple and sees that people are using the sacrifices for redemption as a way to make money. He flies off the handle and sends everyone away. Anger in some situations is good and healthy. When Jesus saw the injustice of the temple high priests basically robbing the people who had to buy a sacrifice by charging large sums of money, he needed to show them that it was wrong. When the people react, they ask Him to show them a miracle to prove Himself. He tells them to tear down the temple and he will rebuild it in three days. They think He is referring to the temple that they are at, but He really predicted His death and resurrection, which He does many times. Those people at the temple are the same ones who would later crucify Him. Again and again Jesus calls them out, and agin and again they miss the point, even the disciples don't understand what he means.
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