God puts the governments in place. God is all powerful. He is in charge of everything. Nothing happens that surprises Him or throws Him off. This is especially important to realize now, around election time. People get so caught up in their party winning that they can lose sight of regardless about what happens, God is still in charge. Obey the government that is over you. If you resist the government, you resist God. Furthermore, if you resist the government, you will be punished because God has given the government that power. People who do the right thing don't need to fear the government. People who do what is wrong should fear the government. The government serves God, even if it doesn't know it. This is also why you should pay your taxes. Pay what you owe.
The most important thing we can do is love others. If we love others, we fulfill Moses' Teachings because all of the commandments can be summed up in love. If we love others, we won't do anything to hurt them. We are closer to the time of salvation now than when we came believers, and we march forward even now. Rid yourselves of what is dark, and take up the weapons of the light. Give up the things of our sinful natures.